tend to blame
- 倾向于责怪;倾向于责备

Unlucky people tend to blame their unhappiness on bad luck .
Unhappy people tend to blame others and always find an excuse why things aren 't going their way .
Predictably , people in deficit countries tend to blame the problems on the surpluses .
When we start getting gray hair , we tend to blame stress & a high-pressure job , an illness , even our unruly children .
Since the College Entrance Examination has political and social function as well as educational function , people always tend to blame examination when social conflicts can not be solved well .
Bringing It All Together : Managers tend to blame their turnover problems on everything under the sun while ignoring the crux of the matter : people don 't leave jobs ; they leave managers .
Not only that , they tend to blame their team 's failures on a biased referee or on bad luck , rather than on Arsenal 's mistakes or the other team 's skill .
Critics of the current system , under which research libraries pay up to $ 50,000 annually to use online databases , tend to blame profiteering by companies such as Reed Elsevier and Springer for this cost .
Consider , for instance , creativity . Analysts scratching their heads over why Sony ( SNE ) hasn 't produced a hit product since the last century tend to blame the company 's supposed lack of creativity .
These are people who tend to externalize blame when anything goes wrong at work .
Irresponsible people tend to shift the blame onto those factors , and vocalize them as excuses .